Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 870
NA - Nord America 521
AS - Asia 179
SA - Sud America 6
OC - Oceania 3
AF - Africa 1
Totale 1.580
Nazione #
IT - Italia 600
US - Stati Uniti d'America 509
FI - Finlandia 106
DE - Germania 74
TR - Turchia 53
SG - Singapore 47
CN - Cina 34
FR - Francia 24
KR - Corea 12
CA - Canada 11
NL - Olanda 10
CH - Svizzera 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
GB - Regno Unito 8
LT - Lituania 6
TH - Thailandia 6
BE - Belgio 5
IL - Israele 5
IE - Irlanda 4
JP - Giappone 4
MY - Malesia 4
AU - Australia 3
EE - Estonia 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
CO - Colombia 2
IN - India 2
PH - Filippine 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CY - Cipro 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ES - Italia 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 1.580
Città #
Ashburn 219
Rome 150
Milan 107
Helsinki 104
Chicago 63
Los Angeles 46
Singapore 43
Washington 42
Boardman 32
Bologna 24
Munich 19
Dallas 18
Genoa 16
Naples 16
Padova 15
Seoul 12
Guangzhou 10
Seattle 10
Turin 10
Palermo 9
Monza 8
Udine 8
Brno 7
Florence 7
Ottawa 7
Bari 6
Clifton 6
Molfetta 6
Parma 6
Brussels 5
London 5
Lucca 5
Santa Clara 5
Kuala Lumpur 4
Portland 4
Tel Aviv 4
Bishkek 3
Cassino 3
Celico 3
Cologno Monzese 3
Dublin 3
Geneva 3
Marcianise 3
Marino 3
Pescara 3
Pisa 3
Piscataway 3
Salerno 3
San Benedetto del Tronto 3
Velletri 3
Verona 3
Alessandria 2
Arlington 2
Atlanta 2
Avigliana 2
Beauharnois 2
Bern 2
Busto Arsizio 2
Cabras 2
Castellammare del Golfo 2
Castelvetro di Modena 2
Catania 2
Ceres 2
Chiampo 2
Cinisello Balsamo 2
Columbus 2
Ferrara 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Frascati 2
Fumane 2
Gioia del Colle 2
Gunzenhausen 2
Hiroshima 2
Kerava 2
Krakow 2
Lainate 2
Lijnden 2
Lucknow 2
Manila 2
Medellín 2
Messina 2
Monte Porzio Catone 2
Montecassiano 2
Montefalco 2
Monterotondo 2
Newark 2
Ningbo 2
Pieve Emanuele 2
Ponzano Veneto 2
Prato 2
Ravenna 2
Reggio Emilia 2
Rocca San Felice 2
Rocca di Papa 2
Roccapiemonte 2
Romano di Lombardia 2
Ruvo di Puglia 2
San Lazzaro di Savena 2
San Sossio Baronia 2
Santa Caterina Villarmosa 2
Totale 1.201
Nome #
Associazione tra Food Addiction, tratti di personalità non adattivi, disregolazione emotiva, psicopatologia  198
Burnout, attaccamento e stili temperamentali affettivi 123
Efficacia di un intervento per la promozione del benessere psicologico in adolescenti e giovani adulti: definizione del problema e ipotesi di ricerca 93
Efficacia di un intervento per la promozione del benessere psicologico in adolescenti e giovani adulti 69
Nuove procedure e strumenti di assessment cognitivo comportamentale: la Struttura Motivazionale Multilivello (SMM) 34
Psychometric properties of the Italian Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait-reduced (FCQ-T-r) 33
Food Craving and Personality dimensions in overweight and obese patients attending low energy diet therapy 31
Psychological adjustment and heart rate variability in ovarian cancer survivors 30
Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait (FCQ-T) discriminates between obese and overweight patients with and without binge eating tendencies: the Italian version of the FCQ-T 29
The Association among Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, Hostility, and Empathy in a Sample of Young Italian Adults 28
Analisi causale 28
Personality disorders and suicide: risk factors and prevention 25
7 column functional analysis and causal cognitive assessment 24
Weight Bias Internalization Scale discriminates obese and overweight patients with different severity levels of depression: the Italian version of the WBIS 24
Aberrant EEG functional connectivity and EEG power spectra in resting state post-traumatic stress disorder: A sLORETA study 24
Childhood trauma in obese and overweight women with food addiction and clinical-level of binge eating 23
Associazione tra livelli subclinici di disperazione e deficit di empatia 23
Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback Increases Mentalization and Default Mode Network Connectivity in a Non-Clinical Sample. 22
Binge eating and BIS/BAS activity in obese patients with intense food craving who attend weight control programs 22
Modifications of EEG power spectra in mesial temporal lobe during n-back tasks of increasing difficulty. A sLORETA study 21
Assessment of affect lability: psychometric properties of the ALS-18 21
Gender differences in food craving among overweight and obese patients attending low energy diet therapy: a matched case-control study 20
Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability Modification in Chronic Insomnia Patients 20
Coping food craving with neurofeedback. Evaluation of the usefulness of alpha/theta training in a non-clinical sample 20
Health-related quality of life and its association with alexithymia and difficulties in emotion regulation in patients with psoriasis 19
Psychometric Properties of the Italian Mentalization Questionnaire: Assessing Structural Invariance and Construct Validity 19
Preliminary Validation of the Italian Night Eating Questionnaire (I-NEQ-16): Item Analysis and Factor Structure 19
Difficulties in emotion regulation and personal distress in young adults with social anxiety 19
Dall'analisi causale all'analisi essenziale: descrizione di un caso clinico 18
Psychological adjustment and heart rate variability in ovarian cancer survivors 18
Alterations of EEG functional connectivity in resting state obese and overweight patients with Binge Eating Disorder: a preliminary report 18
Body uneasiness is associated with food addiction symptoms: A cross-sectional study. 18
The Association among Default Mode Network Functional Connectivity, Mentalization, and Psychopathology in a Nonclinical Sample: An eLORETA Study 18
Difficoltà nella regolazione delle emozioni e disagio personale nei giovani adulti con ansia sociale 18
Moifications of EEG power spectra in mesial temporal lobe during n-back tasks of increasing difficulty. A sLoreta study 17
Factor Structure of the Binge Eating Scale in a Large Sample of Obese and Overweight Patients Attending Low Energy Diet Therapy 16
The Association among Childhood Trauma, Pathological Dissociation and Gambling Severity in Casino Gamblers 16
Psicoterapia cognitivo-causale: un caso clinico 16
Usefulness of psychoeducational intervention in chronic insomnia: an actigraphic study 16
Psychometric Properties of the Attitudes toward Self-Revised in Italian Young Adults 16
Modification of EEG functional connectivity and EEG power spectra in overweight and obese patients with food addiction: An eLORETA study 16
Justice Sensitivity and psychopathology: systematic review of the literature and future perspectives 16
Mindfulness as a process: The contribution of MPQ to positive psychology 15
The role of the Order Matrix in the assessment process. 11th European Conference on Psychological 15
La psicoterapia cognitivo-causale e le nuove prospettive nell'utilizzo di tecniche tradizionali 15
Approccio Cognitivo-Comportamentale ad un evento critico: strategie di coping 14
Food Addiction: definition, measurement and prevalence in healthy subjects and in patients with eating disorders 14
The association among food addiction, binge eating severity and psychopathology in obese and overweight patients attending low-energy-diet therapy 14
Food craving is associated with multiple weight loss attempts 14
New procedures and instruments of assessment of motivation, cognitive and affective processes 14
Psicoterapia cognitivo-causale: un caso clinico 13
Struttura motivazionale multilivello e analisi causale 13
Migraine and Emotion regulation: a Systematic review 13
Survey on centres and procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD in public services in Italy 12
Modification of EEG power spectra and EEG connectivity in autobiographical memory: a sLORETA study 12
Default Mode Network alterations in alexithymia: an EEG power spectra and connectivity study 12
Il Problem Solving nell'Approccio Cognitivo Causale 12
Normatività e operatività dei Criteri 11
The logical and ontological impact of the new "Cognitive-Causal" assessment 10
The association between adult ADHD and food addiction: A mediation analysis 10
Totale 1.584
Categoria #
all - tutte 9.727
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 9.727

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2022/2023314 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 24 57 103 64 25
2023/2024841 65 87 57 34 66 162 41 38 25 67 55 144
2024/2025429 42 90 36 125 53 83 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.584