Dipartimento di Scienze Umane
1) Effects of Tango dancing on spatiotemporal and kinematic gait parameters in parkinson's disease: a three-dimensional motion analysis study
2015-01-01 Rosa, R; Et, Al.
2) Effects of Biodanza SRT on motor, cognitive and behavioural parameters of patients with parkinson's disease: a three-dimensional motion analysis (3d-MA) study
2015-01-01 Rosa, R; Et, Al.
A study of clumsiness and sport
2019-01-01 Perrotta, F; Rosa, R; Madonna, G
An innovative Educational-Sport strategy to aim to inclusion: Biodanza SRT
2019-01-01 Tafuri, D; Rosa, R; Di Palma, D; Ascione, A
An innovative Educational-Sport strategy to aim to inclusion: Biodanza SRT
2019-01-01 Tafuri, Domenico; Rosa, Roberta; Di Palma, Davide; Ascione, Antonio
Assessment as Learning e didattica universitaria: il Diario di bordo come strumento della ricerca educativa e come strategia per lo sviluppo professionale dei futuri insegnanti
2024-01-01 Rosa, Roberta
Between analogue past and digital present, The Sports Almanac: A didactic proposal for the History of Sport
2019-01-01 Davide, D; Rosa, R; Tafuri, D
Biodanza and Social Action
2019-01-01 Rosa, R; Donini, L; Deluca, F
Biodanza laboratory and experimental pedagogy
2019-01-01 Rosa, R; Ascione, A; Di Palma, D
Biodanza laboratory and experimental pedagogy
2019-01-01 Rosa, Roberta; Ascione, Antonio; Di Palma, Davide
Biodanza srt and Dual Career. Holistic approach in promoting a good student / athlete life perspective
2018-01-01 Rosa, R; DE VITA, T
Biodanza SRT as an experimental educational-formative strategy in the school context. Corporeal mediation in the learning process
2020-01-01 Rosa, R; Ascione, A; Di Palma, D
Biodanza SRT, innovative motor approach in the re-education of Young Prisoners
2019-01-01 Rosa, R; Madonna, G
Biodanza SRT: an Innovative Methodological Training in the Self-Regulated Learning of the Strategic Student
2020-01-01 Rosa, R; D'Andria, A
Biodanza SRT: educational challenges in prison
2022-01-01 Rosa, R; Maietta, Mc
Climbing Therapy
2018-01-01 DE VITA, T; Rosa, R
Corporeity, Affectivity, Emotion and Cognition in the Learning Processes
2017-01-01 Rosa, R; DE VITA, T
Corporeità e Ri-Educabilità nel Sistema Penitenziario
2019-01-01 Rosa, R
Corporeità Educativa e Contesto Scolastico
2020-01-01 Rosa, R
2022-01-01 Rosa, R; Tafuri, F